Wednesday, August 24, 2022


打从马来西亚进入行动管制令,编者发现到,学校老师们忽然多了数群组,家长们,孩子们也是一样。从2020年3月开始至今学校全然开放的情况下,编者不得不思考:这些群组,目前给老师们带来的是负担?还是便利?As we're are now fully reopened in school operation, i can't help but wondering, is there a need to change the way information was delivered to parents/guardians/students instead of following what was done since March 2020 as we went through lock down. 

于是,编者今天进行了一些测试和探讨:有没有必要改变学校传递信息的途径/方法,以便优化信息的传递,并因此减轻老师们(特别是班主任)的负担?As i was exploring, i was wondering, is there a need to change how we are doing things since then? Would it better serve the delivery of information to related parties as well as further relieving the burden of teachers, especially the class teachers' burden in this change?

今天,在完成了Whatsapp Group和Telegram Channel 的测试后,探讨了以下的事情The following aspects were explored upon the completion of Whatsapp Group and Telegram Channel for my school:

站在老师的立场来看:创建大群组或频道,能够改善或减轻老师们,特别是班主任们的工作负担吗?老师们会不会因此不再需要担心延误或错过什么信息呢?From the perspective of any teacher, especially the class teachers: Would it further relieving teachers' burden? Would teachers be better off without worrying about forgetting / delaying forwarding messages to parents/student?

站在行政和管理的立场来看:这样的群组或频道,能否大大缩短要传递信息的途径呢?目前的做法是学校管理层透过班主任传递学生家长、学生群组。From the perspective of the school administration: Would it shorten the message delivery pathway to parents/ children? Therefore making information delivery more timely, as all information is relayed to parents/ children via class teachers.

站在管理层来看,我们也顾虑到,群组或频道的形态要保持开放还是封闭/单向的状态呢?Also, we would need to explore whether such group/ channel setting would bring better change by making it interactive or a one way delivery? 

我们也不能忘记,群组中的会员肯定会有一些疑问,那出现询问的时候,应该由谁出面解释呢?One would also be reminded who should be answering the querries from the group? (if there's any) 

之后就是针对平台与功能的对比了。我们是否需要一个可以支援我们视频沟通的平台,如telegram,但却较少用户的平台呢?Do we need a platform with live broadcast / live video chat (telegram) but with fewer users?

就组员人数方面,Whatsapp群组,目前支援最多512人,而telegram频道却可以支援超过2000人。In terms of group members capacity, Whatsapp group could have a maximum of 512 person for now whereas Telegram channel could host to endless person/subscribers.

还是,我们应该使用较多人使用,但无论在视频沟通,组员管理以及平台控制上都明显逊色的平台,如whatsapp呢?Or do we need a platform with more users though limited function (both file size capacity and group functionality and control)

采用脸书或Instagram 的学校,每天也在不少家长和浏览者的评论中起伏。Those schools using Facebook or Instagram will most likely be affected by the comments in them. 

        采用部落格的学校,虽然不必因为评语而头痛(可以有效限制评语的发放与过滤),但要家长或学生浏览部落格,是不是也有点慢动作了呢?Those who chose blog, they were spared from the emotional turmoil as blog provides much better comment control and schedule postings. But then again, wanting our parents/guardians and children to browse the blog would looked much slower compre with other instand messaging platforms.

        至于采用YouTube的,很多时候因为酸民的缘故,我们宁可关闭留言功能也不需要太多人的回馈。但这,又是否是健全的关系呢?For those using YouTube, most comments were turned off as to avoind being hurt by netizens from all over the world. Then again, this is not the way for healthy 2 way communication.

无论如何,在完成了一些测试后,我还是将群组以及频道都删除了。想到,目前学校已有相当多的管道传递需要传递的信息:学校部落格,资源中心部落格,学校优管,学校的Google Site,(目前还由班主任管理的)班级群组。这些管道,足够么?However, upon completion of the tests and exploration, both Whatsapp group and Telegram channel were deleted. 

也许,有朝一日,待科技更进步了,我们会发现,原来这一切却又是那么的自然完美切合。Perhaps, someday, when full integration is possible, it's might become one's dream come true.....

热切祈祷中 One could only wait for now....



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