Sunday, December 24, 2023

One Sheet for All

Imagine running a school with multiple files and tasks to handle. 
Imagine the files need to known/ filled/ submitted by teachers in the school.

Image the teachers' burden when they have to look the files up, open the files, manage the files if not printing the files to submit to the administration team.

So, the fundamental question, if not ultimate one is, can we do better to help our beloved teachers? I think we can, thus the birth of this idea: One Sheet for All.

As its name sake, it's just a Google Sheet, with all the files linked to it as a gateway for teachers to access their files. But how to set it up in the first place? It's simpler than you think, actually. Read on to know more.

Steps to set up a One Sheet for All:

Preparation / things needed:

  1. Teachers' name list for the entire school.
  2. Teachers' individual email that will be used (collect it via Google Form is much easier for further processing)
  3. Update Administration Contact for easier information integration in the future (do this once, you are set for the rest ot other file sharing session)
  4. Have the files you would like the teachers to filled in ready and prepare to upload them. Upload a copy of each file you need the teacher to fill in once will do. The rest, we will make copies out of them.

Steps to set up One Sheet for All:

  1. Open a Google Sheet and stand by. This will be the main file / sheet for all teachers to access their files later on. This sheet's link will be shared with all teachers for future usage.
  2. Copy past the teachers' name in it.
  3. Name the sheet properly, using easily identifiable names, such as PBBBB, SKS Std.4 etc.
  4. Now, open Google Drive. Open a folder, name it properly and clearly.
  5. Open that folder, upload a file of the specific funtion. Example: Keberhasilan file of PBPPP.
  6. Once uploaded, click the file to open it. 
  7. Keep the origital file as it is. Make a copy of this file and name it related to the teachers in your school, e.g.: Keberhasilan Teacher 1.
  8. A new file will be created with the said file name.
  9. Set this file with the following rights: Teacher 1 will have editorial rights whereas administrative staff would only have viwer's right.
  10. Set automated notification should the file undergo any changes / update / filled by the teachers. A notification would be sent to the owner via email. This is to keep track of the progress of the file so actions could be taked if the file is updated. 
  11. Acquire the link of the file, then in the main file, right click at Teacher 1's name, choose hyperlink, insert the link in the space and that's it! The file is now linked by the name of Teacher 1 from the list in the sheet.
  12. Repeat the steps until you have all the files for all the teachers in your school.
  13. Finally, just sent the link of the Google Sheet link, with the setting all teachers in your school as viwer access right via any means you have. 
Why? By doing this, you, as administration of the school, you will be: 
  1. Lessen the burden of teachers having to manage the files by themselves. Because all the files are now accessible online via a single interface: Just a Google Sheet file will do. The best part is: all teachers just need a link to access the main gateway.
  2. Lessed the burden of setting up any fancy website/ sites/ blog etc. to better facilitate the workings for your teachers.
  3. You / the administration team would have access as viwer to all the files in your school by your teachers. 
  4. Successfully reducing the amout the paper stacked / filed on your desks and office. 
  5. Keeping vital data available and accessible anytime of the day.
  6. Able to compile and acquire the big picture of how things are actually running in the school. How to compile each individual data from each file is another question and not within this discussion.
  7. Reduce if not eliminate the need of ICT issues: teachers will no longer be bugged with computer viruses, pen drive issues, corrupted file, PC downtime etc....The files are online, accessible anytime anywhere. In the bigger picture, total operation cost is further reduced.
  8. Providing flexibilities for your teachers: they now have the flexibility knowing their files are safe and sound, and they know where to get them. They could now fill the files later of thee day, when they are free from teaching duties etc....Heck, they could even fill in the files in the middle of the night if they way (as long as it hasn't exceed the dateline).
  9. Saved from ridiculuous and nonsense excuses (from certain teachers) about why it wasn't filled. Still, do be courteous, as we know, teachers are only humans too. 
  10. Asking the teachers to keep themselves up to date how things could be done, online and not just offline like the good old days. 
  11. Reducing paper, reducing ink, reducing the time (certain duplication could be better done if the online version of files are used)
  12. Transfer the files easily: should there by any changes in the management team, files are easily transferrable to the new management team, and the work could continue as usual. 
Having said that, if you are interested to know more, do drop us a note and we'll try to set things up for your school. (If you are an administration staff, you will have to take part of course!)

One Sheet for All, a simple idea with great impact. 
God bless.

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