- 首先,教案档案设置好格式,然后储存在文件夹,妥当命名。
- 登入谷歌课室。登入后点击右上角的9宫格。
- 点选并开启谷歌云端硬盘。
- 点选新NEW然后点选文件夹。
- 将整个教案文件夹上传。
- 你会看见文件夹被上传后。点击里面看看有没有那些文件/档案。
- 将全部档案设置为available offline
- 在你的手机、平板电脑也安装谷歌课室。并记得创建和登入谷歌课室的身份。
- 在手机、平板电脑安装谷歌sheet, 谷歌doc和谷歌slide备用。
- 在你的主机安装谷歌sync同步软件。设置好将所有文件夹中的资料同步处理(在文件夹中任何文件会自动上传,在云端中的任何文件会自动下传
We could complete and ready our lesson plans in google drive.
How? Login Google classroom > Google drive > create folder : erph > upload your rph template / format. Now you can edit anytime anywhere. Pro tips Pro tip 1 Make your documents available offline. So you could edit and work even there's no internet. Pro tip 2 Set up Google sync folder on your pc/laptop. So everything you do in it (lesson plan material) will auto sync with your erph folder. It will sync automatically. You will see all the files in all devices. Pro tip3 Install Google sheets, Google docs and Google slides on your devices. Dump other document editors like WPS office...you can now work with all online documents, without advertisements. Pro tip 4 If you have multiple devices, create Google classroom accounts on them too. Now you could work on any device you want. (you could set to work on your TV box if you want...with TV as your screen