Tuesday, November 9, 2021


阅读插件,俗称为 Immersive Reader是一个帮助学生阅读的工具。它帮忙学生:

  • 将话读出来 dictating speech
  • 特别显示阅读的词句 blocking out everything but one line to help students focus
  • 辨认那些说词的部分 identifying parts of speech on the screen
  • 将字体和线条都分开处理 spacing fonts and lines to avoid "visual crowding"
  • 将字眼破解成为较小的元素 breaking words into syllables
  • 可以翻译60多中语文,读出40多中语文 translating text into 60+ languages (40+ read aloud)
  • 可以更换颜色,大小,字型,让孩子阅读起来更方便 changing the color, size and font of text to make it more legible
  • 可以采用图像词典 using the picture dictionary to see visual definitions


How your students can use it

有些人会有偏见。但,我们的孩子不需要浪费心力去处理这些偏见。We talked about that stigma. Many students need support but don't want to be ostracized by their peers for getting it. 

试想像 Picture this ...

学生看见活动的指示。其中一些指示,是要学生阅读在电脑荧幕上的字眼。Students are working on an activity. Part of it involves reading on a screen on their laptop or Chromebook. 

忽然间,一个学生发现他/她需要一些协助。A student realizes that they need some help.

孩子拿出手提电话。They grab headphones out of their pocket or backpack.

孩子启动Immersive Reader 后......They pull up Immersive Reader in a program or app that supports it. Immediately ...

  • 马上听见需要阅读的篇章 They can hear the passage dictated. 
  • 可以翻译成为孩子们熟悉的语文 It can be translated into a language they're more confident using. 
  • 让孩子们尽量专心的阅读/聆听篇章 They eliminate distractions, break up syllables and make the text easier to use.

这样的小小转变,需要老师多少心力?零心力。How much teacher support does it take for the student to do this? Zero. (After the student knows how to access it.

需要老师多少时间?零。How much attention does it call to the student that they need help? Zero.

它如何帮助孩子自学?说不完的自学能力,不是吗? How much does it empower the student and help them to self-support their struggles? A ton.

要是老师们或教育工作者看见这样的便利和可能,你或许想知道.....If you can see the possibilities and the impact this tool can have on students, this might be your next question ...

我可以从哪里下载或安装?Where can I get it?

它是免费的吗? Oh, and is it free?


The good news: Yes, it's free. And yes, you can get it.

点击这里浏览了解详情。Click here to know more about Immersive Reader.

原文Original Text from:https://ditchthattextbook.com/3-ways-to-support-your-students-with-immersive-reader/

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